"The value reached at the close is the highest since the end of August and shows the fluctuation range tolerated by official regulation, that at some time of the week he went to all the tools available to track the evolution of prices, even at the cost of using genuine resources at times, "said the operator Gustavo Quintana
In the financial markets, the dollar "counted with liqui" – which arises from the purchase of bonds or shares, and its subsequent sale abroad to make foreign exchange – gave 10 cents to 68.77 pesos, so the gap with the Wholesale currency stands at 21.5%.
While the Central Bank (BCRA) validated a decrease in the Leliq rate of 54 basis points regarding Thursday at finish at 82.245% and in the week it retreated 190 basis points.
The total awarded was 207,875 million pesos over maturities of 229,590 million pesos and from this operation a liquidity expansion of 21,715 million pesos was generated.
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