Specifically, our country recorded exports to the Canadian market worth 157 million euros in May 2019, compared to 109 million in September 2017. The most benefited sectors are food, beverages, tobacco and automobiles, in contrast to the slight decline in capital goods, metals or chemicals.
If we focus on the annual evolution, the exports of the automobile sector reached 231 million euros in 2018, 315% more than in 2014. The other winning category is food and drinks, with 343 million euros sold in 2018 (+ 66%). Products such as meat, fruits, fish, dairy products or oils enter, among others.
The increase is 82% for consumer products — as textile, footwear, toys or jewelry—, with sales of 160 million euros in 2018. In the case of raw materials, exports rebounded 324% since 2014, but the volume of marketing is still small (28 million last year).
The trade agreement between the EU and Canada was the result of years of arduous negotiations, and was born so much to Open a new market for European companies as to improve its competitiveness in that country thanks to the progressive abolition of tariffs. That without counting on the possibility of participating in public procurement processes in Canada.

Letter from farmers to Pedro Sánchez: the campaign against Mercosur begins
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