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The Romell Quioto More sincere and accepting the blame has been seen this day at the Airport Toncontín of Tegucigalpa prior to traveling to U.S to join his team again, the Houston Dynamo of the MLS.
See more: Motagua was interested in Romell Quioto, but it was impossible
Quioto, who has had a 2019 for oblivion, says that he is not up and that what is happening to him 'is fine', since he believes that this will make him reconsider.
"I've never been an undisciplined player, I don't know if the red card (before New York), in the team they made a decision, I just have to respect, I have a contract with the team, "began the 28-year-old Honduran footballer.
It is not the best moment of your career, do you recognize it? "Yes. I am not going through a good time, it is part of life to recognize when you are not well, you just have to lift your head," he replied sincerely.
<amp-img src=”http://www.diez.hn/csp/mediapool/sites/dt.common.streams.StreamServer.cls?STREAMOID=CXJNoPufu3RLq1PLGvRErc$daE2N3K4ZzOUsqbU5sYsmshvJf6Y56WtKBRc_F0ny6FB40xiOfUoExWL3M40tfzssyZqpeG_J0TFo7ZhRaDiHC9oxmioMlYVJD0ARbIiibgT65kY_CSDiCiUzvHvODrHApbd6ry6YGl5GGOZrs-&CONTENTTYPE=image/jpeg”” alt=”romell quioto honduras” width=”380″ height=”250″ layout=”responsive”/>Romell Quioto traveled to the United States to join the Houston Dynamo.
About his absence in the Honduras National Team, the exOlympia acknowledge that he himself spoke with Fabian Coito and told him everything that was happening.
"I talked to Professor Coito and told him what was going on, I am not playing, my situation with the team is not the best, I have always said that in the national team there are the best and at this moment I am not the best and not I'm fine physically or mentally and whoever is there must be fine, "he explained.
"I think life is like that, one has to reflect, this has been a difficult year for me, so many things … I just have to lift my head, turn the page, get up and keep working," he corrects himself.
Then he scolded himself before the sports press that listened to him and released: "Sometimes you have to fall in a humility bath, it's good that it happens to me to be calm, the selection will always be there."
Are you enlarged?, they wielded him. "No, none of that, people know me that I am a very quiet type bun, I try to manage my life as I like it, people say that 'Quioto is this that Quioto is the other', but people who actually He knows me, I know that I am calm, but it is good that this happens to realize what I am failing. "
In turn, the player confirmed that at no time there was a fight with the strategist Fabian Coito and that would derive his non-summons to the 'H'. "No, nothing to see, the teacher knows that I am strong but on the court, I have never fought with a technician."
Advise Rigo Rivas and Jonathan Rubio
Romell Quioto, with his extensive experience in Honduras National Team, dared to send a message to the new boys of the 'H'. "That they show that being in the National Team is something beautiful, very nice, believe me that I would like to be there, I would like, if there is the opportunity that they have minutes that demonstrate their quality because they are two very beautiful games at home with our people, the one who be there to take advantage of it. "
"It hurts me not to be in the National Team, that is the desire of any player, to represent their country, we just have to wait for what is coming and be able to be there again," he said.
Quioto ensures that it will remain in the Houston Dynamo. "I'm fine there, they have treated me well, that's why right now is not a great moment and although returning to Honduras it's not a setback, but it's not a good time. "