The food eccentricities of the Danish international – he confessed that he had spent 21 days feeding only on fruit and that he had to leave that diet because he was "going to go crazy – and his use of social networks – he posted a video on Instagram in which he removed a viscous mass – led the concern to the celestial club, which offered the player several possibilities to sign for other teams, all rejected by the player himself.Now, once the summer market is closed, the Celta's technical staff has Sisto, before the lack of specific extremes in the squad, and the Danish has decided to make a blur and a new account to try to be the player who promised in his first season in the Vigo team. "Back to silence, without distractions, without social networks, just I do what needs to be done, "Pione wrote yesterday on her Instagram account.
Interest of the Mexican Tigers
In Mexico yesterday they pointed to Pione Sisto with possible reinforcement of the Tigers, since the market in the Aztec country does not close until today.
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