Straws, bags and other plastic items for single use will be banned from 2021 in Canada, announced Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Monday, which intends to make the environment one of his priorities by the parliamentary elections in October. " Plastic pollution is a global scourge The Liberal leader told reporters that less than 10 percent of plastics are currently recycled in Canada.
" Honestly as a parent, it's hard to explain that to my kids. When we explain that whales are dead, their stomachs filled with plastic, that albatrosses, chicks on the Hawaiian coast are filled with plastic that they took for food Justin Trudeau said. " As parents, we bring our children to the beach and we have to look for sand that is not filled with plastic, bottles, styrofoam or straws ", He illustrated by evoking this major problem of pollution" that must be regulated ".
By 2021, scientific assessments will be conducted to determine the list of items that will be banned. Canada also intends to empower plastics producers, including " bottle manufacturers ", for " the entire life cycle Of their products, he said. Plastics manufacturers and companies using packaging, for example, will need a recycling plan, he added.
Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and Italy, as well as the European Union, signed a new charter against plastic pollution of the oceans a year ago at the G7 summit in Quebec. The United States and Japan abstained. In this voluntary text, these countries and the EU committed to ensuring that 100% of plastics are recyclable, reusable or recoverable worldwide by 2030.
Since then, 21 countries have adhered to this text, according to Justin Trudeau, and the European Union has adopted legislation to ban the most common single-use plastic products, a dozen categories of products that represent they alone 70% of waste washed up in the oceans or beaches.
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