In the middle of his radio program Miter, Lanata without filter, the official driver commented: "What is the problem that Brancatelli travels to Miami? If he pays and pays his taxes, he travels wherever he wants. We cannot be such idiots."
Last night, the same Brancatelli went out to speak in Intractable: "(The woman) looked for a reaction and followed me through all the commerce and I did not react. Inside you get an anger and anger you. Viralized something that did not exist."

Brancatelli spoke after being escrachado in Miami
In addition, after clarifying that I was in a place where almost everything comes out of a dollar, he explained: "I work to travel and it is one of the passions of my life. I work all year."
While his cycle partners repudiated the escrache he suffered Brancatelli and supported his passive attitude, the journalist Deborah Plager He said that what happened to him is a good kick to reflect on how to communicate and respect the opinion of the other.
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