EU imposes tariffs on structural steel from China and Mexico



The Department of Commerce (Commerce) of U.S (EU) reported on Wednesday, through a statement, that it preliminarily decided that the structural steel from China Y Mexico violates the laws anti-dumping from the first country.

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As a result, he said, he imposed tariffs of up to 141% to structural steel Chinese and up 31% about him Mexican. The entity added that Canada did not violate laws anti-dumping on steel, although that northern partner was also investigated by the Commerce.

  • In 2018, imports of structural steel manufactured in Canada, China Y Mexico were valued at 722.5 million, 897.5 millions and 622.4 millions of dollars, respectively
  • Currently, the Commerce has 492 orders anti-dumping what relieve to US companies and industries affected by the unfair trade

The strict application of the US commercial law is by order (of President Donald Trump). From the beginning of its management, Commerce initiated 182 anti-dumping and countervailing duties ”.

What is dumping?

According to World Trade Organization (WTO), this marketing term refers to “a situation of international discrimination of prices”, Which translates as sell a product, in this case the steel, at a price lower of what normal.

  • Sometimes some companies sell products even below of the production cost
  • The main objective is appropriate the market for later make more expensive sale prices

According to him Commerce from the US, try to avoid these unfair actions; however, these decisions are made in the context of tariff war with China and reluctance to ratify the regional free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada.

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