Cornershop refines details to arrive in Peru and consolidate its operation in Canada | Economy


They left in Chile. Then they expanded to Mexico. In mid June they arrived in Canada. And now Cornershop is already in the final stretch to disembark with its last mile app in Lima, Peru.

Among the reasons from the company point out the advantages of a large city near Chile, with a similar market behavior to that of our country.

And as explained from the company to La Tercera, much of the team has experience in the operation of online services in the city of Rimac.

In this way, the firm expects to move forward after the million-dollar sale of the app to Walmart is frustrated, following the objections of the Mexican economic authority to the transfer in that country, in which the US firm planned to disburse $ 2.250 million.

However, to pass that bitter drink, according to a report by Cornershop's principal investor, All Venture Partners, the intentions also point to a expansion to Brazil and Colombia.

Although it was already running in beta, they hope to formally announce in their blog the arrival in the next few days to start boosting interest in the service, while they are already joining the social networks of the app on Inca soil, which are still in a phase initial. However, on platforms like Facebook or Instragram users have already started talking about the arrival of the app.

Meanwhile, LinkedIn already published the first offers to strengthen the team with a creative editor, operational manager and account manager for the operation in the neighboring country.

For their part, they also work in the service expansion in Toronto (specifically in the Old Toronto area) with the expectation of continuing to expand to other cities in Canada in the near future, to pave the eventual entry into the US market.

Also, in addition to these openings, Cornershop is also expected to expand in Chile to new cities, although from the company they have not delivered more details.

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