Iran denies receiving Trump's warning after the incident with a US drone

Breaking news The registration and identification of the user on – websites through one of his social media accounts indicates the...

Written ByOumayma Omar

    Oumayma Omar, based in Baghdad, is a contributor to the Culture and Society sections of The News1 En.
    Breaking news

    The registration and identification of the user on – websites through one of his social media accounts indicates the acceptance of these rules.

    The user is obliged not to violate, by his actions, the national and international legislation.

    The user agrees to respectfully address the other participants in the discussion, the readers and the people mentioned in the articles.

    The administration reserves the right to delete comments published in languages ​​other than that of the main content of the article.

    On all language versions of, comments posted by the user can be edited.

    The comment of the user will be deleted, if:

    • does not match the subject of the commented article;
    • promotes hatred, racial, ethnic, sexual, religious and social discrimination and undermines the rights of minorities;
    • violates the rights of minors, causes them harm in any form, including moral;
    • contains ideas of an extremist and terrorist nature, calls for all types of illegal actions;
    • contains insults, threats against other users, specific individuals or organizations;
    • undermines honor, dignity and professional reputation;
    • contains insults or defamatory messages about -;
    • violates privacy, discloses personal data of third parties without their consent, reveals the secrecy of correspondence;
    • contains a description or links to scenes of violence and cruelty to animals;
    • contains information on methods of suicide or encourages suicide;
    • pursues business objectives, contains abusive advertising, illegal political advertising or links to other online resources containing such information;
    • promote the products or services of third parties without the necessary authorizations;
    • contains insulting expressions, coarse language and their derivatives, as well as allusions to the use of lexical elements that meet this definition;
    • Contains spam content, promotes spam, direct mail services and money-making resources on the Internet;
    • promotes the use of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, contains information on their production and use;
    • contains links to viruses and malware;
    • is part of an action, when a large number of comments with the same or similar content are posted ("flash mob");
    • the author abuses a large number of empty messages, or the meaning of the text is difficult to understand ("flood");
    • the author violates the label online, showing different forms of aggressive, humiliating and defamatory ("trolling") behavior;
    • the author shows a lack of respect for the language; for example, all or most of the text is typed in capital letters and is not divided into sentences.

    The administration reserves the right to block the access of the user to the page or to delete his account without warning in case of violation by the user of the rules of writing comments or detection in the actions of the user of signs of such a violation.

    The user can initiate the process of recovery of his account / unlocking access, by writing a letter to the following email address: The letter should contain:

    • Subject – Account Recovery / Unlocking Access
    • The username
    • Explanations of the reasons for the actions that constituted the violation of the rules mentioned above and led to the blockage.

    If moderators deem it possible to restore the account / unblock access, it will be so.

    In the case of repeated policy violation and repeated blocking, the user's access can not be restored. The blockage, in this case, is definitive.

    To contact the moderator team, use the following email address:

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