An Algerian party calls for Bouteflika to be summoned to hear his words about his actions and the activities of his aides

news1 The Rassemblement pour la démocratie et la démocratie (RCD) called on the Algerian judiciary to summon Abdelaziz Bouteflika to...

Written ByOumayma Omar

    Oumayma Omar, based in Baghdad, is a contributor to the Culture and Society sections of The News1 En.

    An Algerian party calls for Bouteflika to be summoned to hear his words about his actions and the activities of his aides

    The Rassemblement pour la démocratie et la démocratie (RCD) called on the Algerian judiciary to summon Abdelaziz Bouteflika to hear his words about his actions and the activities of his aides, stressing "the application of justice" in the country. "If we want justice to be implemented, , In addition to the independence that must be enjoyed by even the public opinion, it must begin to refrain from the selective nature of these arrests, (…), must be heard of the words of Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President of the ousted state, about his work and the activities of his aides.

    "This is the only guarantee for credibility," he said, adding: "Is there anything to prevent the former head of state from being summoned to justice to hear his statements?

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