The return of Facebook, Wesab and Inglamm after a break lasted more than two hours

. The services of three social networking platforms, Facebook, Instagram and Watasab, returned after more than two hours of disrupti...

Written ByOumayma Omar

    Oumayma Omar, based in Baghdad, is a contributor to the Culture and Society sections of The News1 En.

    The return of Facebook, Wesab and Inglamm after a break lasted more than two hours

    The services of three social networking platforms, Facebook, Instagram and Watasab, returned after more than two hours of disruption.

    On Sunday, April 14, 2019, the Facebook site was shut down at 10:30 GMT, before returning at 12:58 GMT.

    The site pointed to the receipt of thousands of communications to stop the service «Facebook», from the Northeast of the United States, Europe and the Philippines.

    According to the media, this is the second holiday that extends the Facebook site in one month.

    As of 12:55 GMT, Facebook did not disclose the reasons for the holidays.

    The company bought the image exchange site InStagram in 2012 and acquired the Watsab program for the talks in 2014.

    There are more than 1.52 billion active accounts per day on Facebook alone.


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